Hi All,
I've been owning this record for quite some time now, picked it up at a secondhand-recordstore called "Tommy" (which unfortunately does not excist anymore) in Tilburg about 13 years ago.
It's got lots of great tracks on it, and one song in particular.
A nice cinametic Italian piece, that I've been playing on a regular basis ever since I bought the record, and has been a big "hit" at parties of me and my friends.
The only problem was, I never knew who the artist was.
As you can see, at the back of the sleeve, only the composers are mentioned, which strikes me as odd, since the album is titled "All The Hits With All The Stars".
On the front cover only the titles of the songs are mentioned.

I recently found out that the singer is Nicola Arigliano, and the title of the song is "20 KM Al Giorno". It was released as a single in 1964. I love how the title is misspelled on both the front- and backcover as well as on the record itself! (Tweenty KM instead of Twenty KM)

I tried to find information about this "All The Hits With All The Stars"-compilation, but it's nowhere to be found on the internet.
So I searched for information about the label on which it was released, "Schok Records" but again no information about the label anywhere on the net.

I tried to rip the LP to mp3 but for some reason my equipment let me down, but I'll have that fixed soon. Wait for the update.
For now you can listen to the song, which I took from the Youtube clip that is available. (I could not find the song on any site, blog or on Soulseek or Direct Connect++ .... and ofcourse I won't buy it on cd since I already own it on vinyl).
Nicola Arigliano- 20 KM Al Giorno
What I found out as well, when searching for the artist, is that one of my personal heroes, Mike Patton, did a version of the song with his project Mondo Cane!
I was amazed as, to me, this was kind of an obscure track...
Listen to Patton's version of the song, recorded live in Paradiso, Amsterdam in the Netherlands....
Mike Patton and the Metropole Orchestra- 20 KM Al Giorno
And watch the video here:
I will highlite some more of the songs on the album, probably rip the whole record for you guys, 'cause this compilation is a goldmine of brilliant tracks.
Oh, and if someone has any information about this Italian "Schok"-label, please let me know!
Nou, zoals gezegd kon ik op Youtube wel een filmpje van Rai Uno vinden uit 1964, maar via Soulseek noch DC++ heb ik het kunnen vinden. Ik heb ook allerlei zoekmachines gebruikt om op blogs te zoeken (doet google niet) maar geen resultaat. Ik heb er een dag aan besteed gister. Het lijkt daarmee toch redelijk verloren gegaan en thans obscuur inderdaad.